Thursday, December 23, 2010

Starcraft Guides

Now, you can view videos on Youtube all day long but you won’t get better at Starcraft 2. Why? Mostly because the pros practice every day but more importantly, there are different map and unit strategies that they utilize depending on their opponent.

So here’s a couple of guides to help with that – maps, units, tactics.


LukeyBee said...

Haha, i agree i use to watch youtube videos, you got to get out and do these things. Thats how i hit diamond league with out playing 24/7, i stopped watching videos and started playing more.

Check out my blog on how i did it

Jeremy Saunders said...

We have a ton of strategy and game play videos by the pros that you can check out.

StarCraft 2 Strategy said...

Completely agree, you're not going to get any better at anything really by trying to be an armchair pilot. You've got to put in the time, practice every race (even if you only play one you need to understand the mechanics of all races), and study every map so that when it's game time you'll be able to compete.

You can develop some of those strategies and elements here:

Necessary & Sufficient said...

I agree, I watch a ton of youtube vids of starcraft and while I love them, it only helps my play up to a certain degree. I play terran and I find watching the pro terrans play helps, but it really take practice to get better. Thanks for posting this!

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Masters Protoss said...

you can learn masters protoss strategies at this website. <a href=">Masters Protoss Strategies</a>